Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Expendable Humanity

[I wrote this on the 10th Anniversary of Guantanamo Bay (2013)

With sympathy for every oppressed human soul on OUR planet

In memory of every so-called 'insignificant' human life taken away]

Another ruthless torrent of lashes on flesh
Another bomb blast causing slush and flesh to mesh
Another robbery rage, another wild auto race
Another brother swept away from Earth’s cold cold face

Look around the world, whatever do you see?
Another child’s mother lamenting over her misery
Another bloodthirsty revenge, another man slain
Another dame being swindled down the mute lane

Do you remember those days when Hitler was one?
Now every other politician appears to be his son
Have a look at their victims in Bahrain and Sheeshan
Watch the massacre spread to Libya and Iran

So when I kneel down and raise my hands to pray tonight
Remind me of my people deprived of  every Human Right
Let me cry my eyes out to invoke Lord’s mercy today
To shelter the wretched victims in Guantanamo Bay,

To  extend the blanket of His mercy over to Afghanistan
Bless all the deprived people in Kashmir and Pakistan
Unsheltered families in Haiti, famished kids in Mozambique
Brave young soldiers defending every Falasteeni street

Look at the world drowning under confiscations & plights
Voiceless they die, deprived of basic HUMAN RIGHTS
Dear Lord, help the distressed souls and the bleeding hearts,
Incite the oblivious mass and escort the strayed myriads…

~ MB